See the requirements for adopting our cats and dogs in the Orne region

How to reserve a puppy or kitten at our Embrace the Moon kennel

How to reserve a puppy or kitten at our Embrace the Moon kennel

Papillon spaniel puppie

Pre-booking The reservation The recovery of the puppy by the new owners The price

It can be done before farrowing.

You have priority on the choice of puppies only vis-à-vis people who have not made a pre-booking, or reservation.

(Attention, a pre-booking is not a reservation)

Done at the earliest 7 days after farrowing (in order to anticipate any complications). For the reservation of the puppy to be validated, a deposit of 1/3 of the initial price must be paid.
Otherwise, the puppy will still be available for reservation.

Is done after weaning and full payment of the puppy within 2 weeks.

In the opposite case, an increase, or even a cancellation of sale may be applied.

A weaning done in good conditions, lasts between 2 and a half and 3 months.

The puppy will be vaccinated, dewormed and registered with the Lof

The price of a butterfly spaniel puppy varies from €1,400 to €2,000, depending on its coat and sex.

 Females are often more expensive than males.

 Our prices 

- our males : Between 1400 and 1600e

- our females : Between 1600e and 1800e

Toyger kitten
Pre-booking The reservation The recovery of the puppy by the new owners The price

It can be done before birth.

You have priority on the choice of kittens only vis-à-vis people who have not made a pre-booking, or reservation.

(Attention, a pre-booking is not a reservation)

Done at the earliest 10 days after farrowing (in order to anticipate any complications).

The choice of the kitten will be made approximately between 1 month / 1 month and a half after birth.

For the reservation of the kitten to be validated for company, a deposit of 1/3 of the price must be paid.

For repro, you have to pay a deposit of 1/2 of the price.

Otherwise, the kitten will still be available for reservation.

Is done after weaning and full payment of the kitten within 2 weeks.

In the opposite case, an increase, or even a cancellation of sale may be applied.

A weaning done in good conditions, lasts at least 3 months.

The kitten will be vaccinated, dewormed, and registered with TICA or LOOF.

In the case of a pet adoption, the kitten will be sterilized.

For company, the price of a toyger kitten varies between 1400 € and 2500 € depending on its sex, coat and lineage.

Males are often more expensive than females.

Our prices are generally between €1400 and €2000 (with exceptions).

For reproduction, the price of a toyger kitten varies between 3000 € and 5000 € 

Feel free to contact us for more information on our services.