Embrace the Moon's breeding toygers in L'Aigle
See our breeding males and females in the l’Orne
Embrace the Moon in L'Aigle offers breeding females and males of the toyger breed.
Our breeding cats
Our toyger males
Born on 05.04.2019,
this cat is very beautiful and extremely sociable. but a little talkative !
- Presentation of the 2021 Judges' Seminar on Race Recognition?;
- shooting 30m of friends (num: sept 2022)
- represents the toyger in the LOOF race flyer
- CGA 2022 and 2024 to represent the breed
- double LOOF champion
- 1 special prize
- 2 nominations best in show
- compliance
- SQR 3
Chat Toyger mâle : « Esprit »
Fils de Buffy/Armani
Born on 05.11.2021 in our breeding.
He is very sociable, sticky and a little rough when playing.
An amazing cat
- shooting 30m of friends (num: sept 2022)
- CGA 2023 to represent the breed
- double LOOF champion
- 2 nominations best in show
- 1 best variety
- compliance
- SQR 3
Born on 05.01.2020
This cat is extremely typed and very large (8kg).
He is extremely sociable and kind but a little planplan.
- Presentation of the 2021 Judges' Seminar on Race Recognition?;
- shooting 30m of friends (num: sept 2022
- CGA 2022, 2023 and 2024 to represent the breed
- triple LOOF champion
- 5 nominations best in show
- 8 best varieties
- compliance
-SQR 4
Our toyger females
Born on 27.04.2019
She is sociable, sweet, cuddly and really beautiful.
She is also playful and rarely does anything stupid.
- shooting 30m of friends (num: sept 2022)
- double LOOF champion
- 2 best varieties
- compliance
- SQR 4
Born on 25.02.2020
Of an extremely deep coral red color, it is a lively female with its small character
- Presentation of the 2021 Judges' Seminar on Race Recognition
- LOOF champion
- 1 nomination best in show
- compliance
- SQR 3
Female Toyger cat: «Syra»
Daughters of Afina/Perseus
Born on 27.04.2019 in our breeding
This is the portrait of her mere... a pretty dress of warm color, a beautiful size and a super temperament
- shooting 30m of friends (num: sept 2022)
- LOOF champion
- compliance
- SQR 3
Female Toyger cat: «Super Nova»
Daughters of Afina/Perseus
Born on 27.04.2019 in our breeding
A pretty female toyger who has her character… extremely endearing to the man
- shooting 30m of friends (num: sept 2022)
- represents the toyger in the LOOF race flyer
- double LOOF champion
- compliance
- SQR 4
Female toyger cat
Daughters of Phoebe and Armani
Born on 22/02/2023 in our breeding
An incredible head and dress, an extraordinary size, a female exeption !
- LOOF champion
- Top 5 at the special race of 30/09/23
- 1st special breeding lot of 30/09/2023
- Best in show at the special race of 30/09/2023
- 1 Best in Show (Anet 04/03/2024)
- 2 special prizes
- compliance
- SQR 3
Female Toyger cat: «Théia»
Daughters of Phoebe and Perseus
Born on 05.02.2022 in our breeding
A very beautiful head, a very contrasting dress, despite a small shyness she is extremely nice.
- shooting 30m of friends (num: sept 2022)
- 1st special breeding lot of 30/09/2023
- compliance
- SQR 2
Female Toyger cat: Titania
Daughters of Phoebe and Perseus
Born on 05.02.2022 in our breeding
A pretty head, a pretty dress and a great character, what more could you ask for.
- shooting 30m of friends (num: sept 2022)
- 1st special breeding lot of 30/09/2023
- compliance
- SQR 2
Contact us for more details on the characteristics of our toyger breeding adults and kittens